The vegetable garden has me weary still, as some early shoots have really taken off (cucumbers are versatile, right?), and others are duds for sure. But there is always fun in trying, and we did so enjoy the starting of the seeds...
With the kitchen table protected, project central was open for business. This was about 3 weeks ago now, and we needed to feel productive as we waited for Mother Nature to commit to warmer weather.
I have saved seeds for years, probably too long for some, and have never been good about keeping a log. This year, I gathered, sorted, and started the ones that I thought would work best indoors, giving them a good head start. Since then, I've started to re-think the cukes, pumpkins and watermelon. Next year, those will go into the ground. Part of my challenge (as if I needed another handicap in the garden), was to grow what I could with what I had, and leave the rest of to the CSA. That way, I wouldn't feel so invested in the ground, but I can see what I can do with the resources that I have on hand. Reduce, reuse, recycle, re-think, remark, re-try...
Note: Easter Basket Remains piled in the corner;)
2 week seedlings |
The cukes in the photos above are now about twice as big, and starting to get a little leggy. I've been searching for some trellis ideas on Pinterest and found a few that are really cute, and some that look easy and sustainable. Hopefully, I'll come up with something soon enough...

trellis teepee |
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